***New Meeting Announcement***

Sundays from 6pm to 7pm at the Calvary Summit View Church (6700 S Colorado Blvd) in Centennial

Badge2Badge is a 'peer support' oriented organization based in Denver, Colorado. We consist of current, retired and former First Responders (Police, Fire and EMS) and we provide free, confidential, anonymous support for all First Responders, sworn and non sworn personnel. We are not affiliated with any agency and therefore we have no legal or ethical obligation to disclose information or identity. 

We hold anonymity of outreach sacred in every way and can help provide resources, face to face meetings, group therapy and other support services to our brother and sister First Responders. We are also here if you just need an ear. 

Please call at 720-365-2132 and we will help you in any way we can. 
For urgent or after hour assistance, please contact SAFE CALL NOW at 206-459-3020.

Problems in your life due to drugs, pills or potions?
(over-the-counter, prescribed or otherwise)
Do you have a desire to change your drinking habits?

Are areas of your life becoming unmanageable?
Work pressures building?
Family or Personal life suffering?

We support one another in recovery from:
and other serious illnesses

Closed group meeting for
Police, Fire, EMS, Sheriffs, Dispatchers and any other emergency responder support roles
(any current or former member from any area)

To protect one another, sessions are for participants only
(no family, friends or other support persons permitted)

Not affiliated with any agency/association

Badges helping other badges.
Bringing understanding, support, experience, strength and hope

The Red, White
& Blue Crew

Meets Sundays at 6pm
Calvary Summit View Church, Centennial

The Red, White
& Blue Crew

Meets Mondays at 7pm
Orchard Club South, Englewood